The song "Let There Be Peace on Earth" has been sung around the world since 1955. It is popular in churches and numerous other groups. The story behind this song is very interesting as it was not "officially published" but just spread by word of mouth throughout the world...
If you've lost loved ones, chances are that those people have spent time with you after they've crossed over. They may even be with you on a regular basis. After all, in addition to angels, archangels, and ascended masters, we also have deceased loved ones with us to help and assist.
- By Alan Cohen
If you read the small print on contracts, no one is liable for "Acts of God" -- disasters beyond human control, like storms, floods, lightning. I find it fascinating that in such contracts God takes the rap for everything that goes wrong, and rarely receives credit for the...
- By John Selby
by John Selby. I often talk about my grandfather as my first spiritual teacher, and about the Indian master Krishnamurti, who lived half-time in my hometown. But probably the deepest influence on my life was my grandmother, known to me as Granny. This quiet woman touched my heart very early at levels much deeper than words can communicate...
by Cassendre Xavier. In the times we are now living, there are many cataclysmic changes in the earth and our atmosphere. There is a general consensus that the world is deeply troubled, and among some select “believers” that the end is near. Being calm, loving, peaceful, and positive can help us and even reverse some of the...
- By Bobbi Parish
If there were no limitations, such as time or money, where would you choose to travel? While our chosen destinations and itineraries may be as variable as our personalities, I think there would be some fairly common themes in what we want to achieve on our dream vacation. I believe we would all seek to be revitalized and renewed...
Once when I was at a lecture, a woman approached me during the break and said, "One of our problems is we don't cultivate wise elders in this culture. People are surrounded all their lives by the belief that old age is a time of misery, defeat, irrelevance and meaninglessness..."
Making a loaf of Sabbath bread on Friday morning was my grandmother's favorite teaching tool. As she kneaded the dough, she said, "This is what the world does to you sometimes. It stretches you, and pushes you around, and..."
- By Gregg Braden
by Gregg Braden. Without a doubt, we do live in a world of opposites. In theology, these opposites take on names and appearances that translate into the forces of light and dark, good and evil. While I'm not denying their existence, I am describing how it's possible to change what they mean in our lives and redefine...
- By John Payne
by John Payne. The time has come for you to realize that you are always in safety. The reason why you fear such things is that you do not yet believe that you are the creator of your own experience. As we have said many, many times before, that which you turn your attention to is that which you draw unto yourself...
- By Dan Joseph
Many times we'll feel that we have 'received' something -- a prompting, a nudge, an idea. However, we're not sure if it's inspired by God's wisdom, or if it's coming from our own personal thoughts. How do we tell the difference? From the discussions I've had with people, there seem to be a vast number of discernment techniques. Some people, for example, feel a "happy glow" around one choice, and...
God has managed the amazing feat of being worshiped and invisible at the same time. Millions of people would describe him as a white-bearded father figure sitting on a throne in the sky, but none could claim to be an eyewitness...
Scriptures common to Christian, Muslim, and Jew specify that both the male and female are created in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). We have not really absorbed that truth until we become able to name the Holy One in ways that can also appropriately name ourselves: God-She, Mother, Great Woman, as well as God-He, Father, and Lord.
Sometimes God comes along and gives us a real jolt. And once in a while those "jolts" come in the form of experiences that could only be explained as . . . well, as inexplicable. When this occurs we are left to ponder, what has happened here? What's going on? ...
- By Matthew Fox
by Matthew Fox. Compassion is the way we treat all there is in life -- ourselves, our bodies, our imaginations and dreams, our neighbors, our enemies, our air, our water, our earth, our animals, our death, our space, and our time. Compassion is treating all creation as holy and as divine... which is...
Someone asked me in a recent lecture, his face hard set with doubt, 'Are you really enlightened?' He pressed on, again with an expression of someone reluctantly mining for the truth: 'What was it that you were enlightened to?' Laughing, I answered him, 'I was enlightened to the fact that there is nothing to be enlightened about.'
"The world is moving too fast," lamented the successful middle-aged stock broker. He was having trouble sleeping and getting a migraine headache almost daily. From the Ayurvedic point-of-view this poor man's life was being ruled by movement without rhythm. He needed to remember what he was really made of and return to his true nature.