- By Lisa Fazio
Astrology can serve as a symbolic guide to planetary gateways and spiritual dimensions, bridging celestial forces with earthly experiences. Ancient and timeless wisdom meets modern exploration.
Scorpio’s energy is transformative, teaching us to face hardship and overcome addiction. This article explores how working with Scorpio energy can help you confront your shadows, reclaim your power, and stop running from pain. Learn how to harness this powerful astrological influence to find strength in adversity, embrace your challenges, and emerge with greater confidence and self-awareness.
Every midsummer’s night tens of thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to celebrate and witness the rising Sun in alignment with the Heel stone standing outside of the circle.
Many organisms, including humans, undergo developmental changes before reaching adulthood, and these appear to occur in discrete stages on the physical, emotional, and mental dimensions.
Dwarf planet Pluto left the sign of Capricorn and entered Aquarius on March 23, 2023. Pluto's sign changes are always significant, auguring a major shift and the start of a new phase in our individual and collective evolutionary process.
- By Sarah Varcas
Sedna is the Inuit sea goddess, also known as mother or mistress of the sea and goddess of the underworld. There are many versions of her story...
The information presented below demonstrates the synchronicities between powerful astrological events and they offer an indication of what is likely to unfold in terms of the political systems and what significant related events will unfurl around the globe.
In the American dream as it's currently dished up, we try to do two things: make money and lose weight. Is that the meaning of life? Making money might give somebody a sense of meaning in life presently, and I don't want to simply disparage that. It could be part of a soul's journey, perhaps part of a larger, creative commitment to building a vision, building a business. But...
Connecting astrology and mythology, Pluto represents the underworld of the unconscious. It is an extremely powerful force which has rulership over the instinctive forces that lie buried deep in the unknown part of ourselves.
- By Sarah Varcas
This new moon in Pisces is gentle as a feather and soft as a summer breeze. Like a flower, she opens the heart to suffering, applying nectar to heal division and unite us with those people we would otherwise avoid.
- By Sarah Varcas
This new moon in Pisces is gentle as a feather and soft as a summer breeze. Like a flower, she opens the heart to suffering, applying nectar to heal division and unite us with those people we would otherwise avoid.
- By Sarah Varcas
If you think you know what happens next, think again. If you’re certain in your world view, let the edges begin to blur for much is not as it seems. When Saturn squares Uranus we’re all tasked with building a future from the wisdom of experience, potentised by openness to new possibilities.
Before you decide to bring your life to a halt, to stop all important decision making and to sit waiting for the next Mercury Retrograde 'mess up' to overtake you, let's take a look at some important and very relevant Mercury Retrograde facts.
- By Sarah Varcas
This Mercury Retrograde pulls no punches and takes no prisoners. Nor would we want to be held captive, for its promise is freedom from the chains secured by our own deceptions. This is about the everyday twists and turns we perform to avoid coming face to face with who we truly are.
In contemporary astrology, the planet Saturn reflects one's "karma." It is a simple matter of cause and effect. Saturn can become the herald of your greatest potential for natural balance. The exact location of Saturn in the birth chart (the chart of the celestial bodies' positions at the time of your birth) can tell you even more.
- By Sarah Varcas
Relinquishing the oppressive Capricorn energy that has defined 2020, this Great Conjunction reflects a shift of power in favour of the people – our global human family. The authorities signified by Capricorn have had their chance, and the end of Pluto's cosmic alliance with Saturn marks a significant reduction of authoritarian influence in this new cycle of becoming.
- By Sarah Varcas
Reality calls and we cannot simply ignore events in this relative world of ego run amok. This solar eclipse, the second of two eclipses this season, delivers the harshest truths entwined with the most refined states of consciousness. Our challenge is to be open to both, not favouring one over the other.
- By Sarah Varcas
The energy of this lunar eclipse is flexible and changeable. It cannot be pinned down and how we each experience it will depend largely on what side of bed we emerge from that morning! With an ongoing square, from Eris to Saturn and Pluto, the challenge is to claim our own authority in a wise and considered way...
- By Lisa Tahir
Chiron as an astrological placement appears not only in the astrological birth chart of individual human beings, but also in the astrological birth chart of businesses, organizations, and countries. I thought it important to review the placement of Chiron in the birth chart of the United States to shed light on the psychoastrology that affects us as a country as we move into a post–COVID-19 world.
- By Sarah Varcas
Mercury in Scorpio will not rest until the very root of a matter is exposed. It challenges us to seek out hidden agendas and obscured facts, resisting the misdirections cast by those who prefer we (or they) remain in the dark. When retrograde, this Mercury pursues truths so profoundly obscured...
- By Sarah Varcas
We are living in unprecedented times. Times which demand the calling forth of qualities to match the gravity of this moment. As an astrologer, this means an unflinching sense of integrity in the face of current challenges, and a willingness to question the dominant narrative.
- By Sarah Varcas
This black moon – the second of two new moons in the same zodiac sign – arrives at a time of immense change and uncertainty the world over. In Cancer, the sign of true family, it reminds us that we cannot and do not live apart from others, no matter how isolated our existence may at first appear.
- By Sarah Varcas
The final of three eclipses, this lunar eclipse in Capricorn begins a process of emotional repatterning in response to events and experiences over the past month.This eclipse is about the reclamation of independence and its energy is best used supporting each other to that end.