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Written and Narrated by Pam Younghans
Current and previous weeks astrological overviews
Astrological Overview: Dec. 16 to 22, 2024
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this weekly astrological overvuew based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
Aspects of Note this Week:
All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. For Eastern Time, add 3 hours; Add 8 hours for Universal Time (UT).
MONDAY: No major aspects are exact today
TUESDAY: Venus semisquare Neptune
WEDNESDAY: Sun square Neptune
THURSDAY: Venus trine Jupiter
FRIDAY: Mars opposite Ceres
SATURDAY: Sun enters Capricorn, 1:20 a.m. PST (Solstice)
SUNDAY: Mercury sesquiquadrate Eris
THE SUN STANDS STILL: The Sun reaches its southernmost point in the sky next Saturday, December 21. This is one of the two Solstice days of the year, a time when the Sun appears to stand still as it prepares to reverse direction. The word solstice is derived from two Latin words: sōl (sun) and sistere (to stand still). The December Solstice marks the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of summer in lands south of the equator.
In tropical astrology, the December Solstice is the day that the Sun enters Capricorn. A chart drawn for the minute of the Sun's ingress is considered the "birth chart" for the coming season, and provides some insights into what we can expect for the next three months.
SOLSTICE BIRTH CHART: It is no surprise that the two long-term aspects we're currently working with — the polarizing Mars-Pluto opposition and the divisive Jupiter-Saturn square — show very strongly in the Solstice chart. Both of these aspects have been active for several months, and have already had a huge impact on our reality. It makes sense that their energies would be woven into the tapestry of the next few months, at least, as we continue to unravel their lessons.
What does stand out in the Solstice chart is that the Moon, at 13°09' Virgo, is exactly opposite Saturn (13°48' Pisces), tightly square Jupiter (14°27' Gemini), and square Mercury (08°34' Sagittarius). This creates a planetary configuration called a mutable grand cross, which indicates a time of mental restlessness and uncertainty that can impact our nervous system.
Here are some words of wisdom from astrologer Bil Tierney, who writes about a mutable grand cross in his book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis:
"The mutable grand cross poses frustrations due to poor concentration, indecision, negative suggestibility, and a tendency to give in to external pressures rather than resist or challenge ... [It requires that we] apply greater discrimination and judgment in all matters.
"To avoid running in circles mentally or becoming aimless in direction, we have to learn to control the over-expression of the mind. Since peace of mind may be hard to achieve, we may benefit through meditation, contemplation, and reflective self-analysis."
The Solstice grand cross reinforces what I've already been seeing as I've been researching and preparing for my upcoming webinar, which will give an overview of 2025 and also focus on the first quarter of the year. While the planetary energies that we'll be working with during the first three months of 2025 look challenging, they will ultimately become a springboard for positive shifts later in the year. I'll write about these factors in the coming weeks, of course.
ASPECTS THIS WEEK: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day:
No major aspects are exact today.
Venus semisquare Neptune: We may feel uncertain about a relationship or about a financial investment. Rose-colored glasses can interfere with clear decision making.
Sun square Neptune: A lack of clarity can result in misunderstandings. We may also feel confused about what we truly believe, or disillusioned about something we once accepted as true.
Venus trine Jupiter: The sun seems to shine more brightly today. This optimistic aspect supports social interactions and lively conversations that uplift everyone involved.
Mars opposite Ceres: Some may feel combative today, especially if they feel unseen or that their needs have not been respected.
Sun enters Capricorn: The Solstice occurs at 1:20 a.m. PST today. With the Sun in serious, hardworking Capricorn for the next four weeks, we tend to be goal-oriented and are supported in our efforts to be responsible, practical, and disciplined. The sign of the Seagoat encourages slow but steady progress, and a reliance on our own authority.
Mercury sesquiquadrate Eris: There is an edge and an intensity to communications today. People may be especially blunt, outspoken, and judgmental.
This is a year of significant spiritual growth, when you are learning the lessons of nonattachment, forgiveness, faith, and trust. It may seem as though pieces of your identity are being washed away, leaving you uncertain about who you are and what you really want. While this process can be disconcerting, it is providing the incentive and the opportunity for you to go within, to access your intuition, and to seek guidance from your higher self. As you tap into these finer, higher levels of your beingness, you gain the inner courage and determination that enable you to take steps in the "real" world. (Solar Return Sun semisquare Venus, square Neptune, trine Eris)
TRANSLATION and AUDIO/VIDEO VERSION: This weekly Journal is recorded (in English) AND the text is transcribed into 30 languages! You'll see a row of flags under "Available Languages" in the upper right. And, there are options to listen to the audio (in English) or watch a video directly beneath the photo (see top of page).
The Journal entry is usually updated by Sunday evening, with the recordings appearing late Sunday or by Monday depending on your time zone. Please share this information with those who might benefit.
JANUARY WEBINAR: My first webinar of 2025 is on Wednesday, January 8! For this class, which I've entitled "A Dark Night's Journey Into Day," I will share my interpretations of the main astrological events for the entire year of 2025 and then focus on the first quarter's most important aspects and their effects. To learn more or to register, please go to
DAILY ASTROLOGY: For daily astrological insights, including lunar aspects not covered in this Journal, please follow me on Instagram:
For previous weeks of the Astrological Journal, click here.
About the Author
Pam Younghans is a professional astrologer, editor, and writer. She lives in a log home northeast of Seattle, Washington with her beloved animal companions. She has been interpreting charts professionally for over 25 years. If you are interested in an astrology reading, e-mail
For more information about NorthPoint Astrology offerings, please visit or visit her Facebook page.